Jones Magloire @Joxit

CTO @ Jawg Maps


Hi, my name is Jones, I’m a software engineer and photography enthusiast.

As a software engineer, I’m the CTO of Jawg with main topics in R&D, DevOPS and back-end development with a specialization in Geographic Information Systems. I’m also a teacher at university since 2017 where I teach final year master’s students in computer science at the Institut Galilée. The courses focus on technologies used in business such as JEE, Spring, Hibernate, Kotlin, React, VueJS… But also on cartography and OpenStreetMap since this is my specialization. My favorite languages are Java/Kotlin, Javascript (Node.js) and Rust. I have some knowledges in front-end development, but that’s not what I’m aiming for. But when I need it, I use RiotJS and React for my interfaces.

As a photography enthusiast, I take photos during my trips and post them on my Instagram. I’m using a Nikon D5200 with a 18-300mm F3.5-5.6 and 50mm F1.4 lenses and I like nature, architecture and street photography.

Here is a list of projects that I created and where I contribute.

My Projects


Docker registry v2 web User Interface.

RiotJS JavaScript CSS HTML Dockerfile

Fantas(k)tic command-line for execution of regular long sequential or parallel tasks.


CLI for your release notes using Conventional Commits written in rust.


Block ads and malwares at DNS level with your private DNS Server.


Add Pelias geocoding to your Mapbox GL JS map.

JavaScript CSS

Light docker for kosmtik.


User Interface for tile servers using leaflet.

RiotJS JavaScript CSS HTML Dockerfile

Color operations user interface.

RiotJS HTML JavaScript

Docker for rust/rustc/cargo with openssl.


My Contributions


A distributed full-text geographic search engine using ElasticSearch.

JavaScript NodeJS

Set of material ui components for riot js.

RiotJS JavaScript CSS HTML

A gazetteer or big list of places, each with a stable identifier and some number of descriptive properties about that location.

Go JavaScript NodeJS

Rust interface for maneuvering docker containers.


An expressjs inspired web framework for Rust.


Open source monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack.


Slack WebHook transport for Winston logging library.

JavaScript NodeJS

Latest Mapnik3 docker container build.


Pelias (Geocoding) stress test for gatling.

Scala Java

OSRM (routing) stress test for gatling.

Scala Java

My Blog Articles

Introducing Jawg Places JS

We are excited to release our new library Jawg Places JS, a fast and easy way to turn any HTML input into a search bar with autocomplete. This new library can also be used as a plugin for Leaflet, MapLibre GL JS and Mapbox GL JS.

Docker Multi-Stage Build

On June 13, 2017 took place the Paris Container Day. At the opening of the conferences they unveiled a new docker feature : multi-stage build. That's the subject of this article.

Introducting satellite imaging

Check out our brand new Jawg Maps style: jawg-satellite-streets, displaying beautiful satellite imagery! Available for France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland. More coming soon!

Introducing Map taxonomy chart with Jawg Maps

Sometimes, we want to see our map style outside the map context. That's why we created the map taxonomy chart project. Jawg taxonomy aims to view almost all your style elements in one page. This is completely compatible with our maps styles created with the jawg lab. The result is viewable on websites and printable (pdf or paper).

Jawg Maps is evolving every day

At Jawg, we want to give our customers the best experience when they navigate our maps. That's why every day we strive to improve the services we offer. Discover the new features of Jawg Maps : OSM data management, transport network, hillshades, landcover...

Rendu GPU @ jawg (French)

Cela fait quelques mois maintenant que nous avons sorti les hillshades et landcovers. Cependant les hillshades n'étaient disponibles uniquement sur vos styles vectoriels. Maintenant ils le sont également dans vos styles raster !

Introducing our new routing profile

It's been a long time since we introduced our car routing service. Now, we are please to announce our new routing profile: walk. This profile is focused on pedestrian routing.

Do you want some icons on your maps ?

Icons are deeply linked to the maps we use every day. Universal symbols, they do not suffer from the language barrier and allow to be understood by all.

Jawg visual identity through time

We changed our visual identity after 3 years because it's very important for a brand. It helps to distinguish a brand from the crowd of other business.

Earth's oceans and seas

From space, we can see that the surface of our dear planet is mainly composed of water. Oceans and Seas covering a good part of our maps and we now display their names.

Jawg x Pelias

Geocoding is the second most used service at Jawg (after base maps). We added this service in January 2017 and we are happy to have chosen the Pelias project for our geocoder.

Maps in your language

Discover the new features of Jawg Maps : automatic language, road shield, static maps custom icons and logo position.

Embrace the new streets-v2 tileset

Discover our new tileset: streets-v2 with better language management, better 3D building, vector tile size reduced with various improvements.